Mauro Nahoum (Mau Nah), José Sá Filho (Sazz), Arlindo Coutinho (Mestre Goltinho)*in memoriam*; David Benechis (Mestre Bené-X), José Domingos Raffaelli (Mestre Raf) *in memoriam*, Marcelo Carvalho (Marcelón), Marcelo Siqueira (Marcelink), Luciana Pegorer (PegLu), Mario Vieira (Manim), Luiz Carlos Antunes (Mestre Llulla) *in memoriam*, Ivan Monteiro (Mestre I-Vans), Mario Jorge Jacques (Mestre MaJor), Gustavo Cunha (Guzz), José Flavio Garcia (JoFla), Alberto Kessel (BKessel), Gilberto Brasil (BraGil), Reinaldo Figueiredo (Raynaldo), Claudia Fialho (LaClaudia), Pedro Wahmann (PWham), Nelson Reis (Nels)*in memoriam*,, Pedro Cardoso (o Apóstolo)*in memoriam*, Carlos Augusto Tibau (Tibau), Flavio Raffaelli (Flavim), Luiz Fernando Senna (Senna) *in memoriam*, Cris Senna (Cris), Jorge Noronha (JN), Sérgio Tavares de Castro (Blue Serge), Geraldo Guimarães (Gerry).e Clerio SantAnna

P O D C A S T # 7 1

07 outubro 2011

2 comentários:

Nelson disse...

Excellent presentation of the Lincoln Jazz Center Orchestra leaded by its fabulous trumpeter, Mr. Wynton Marsallis.
As Wynton says, hanged on a wall at Lincoln Center;
That's what we do thru this blog.

Congratulations "Mr. Major". And thank you for this nice jazz hour
We are expecting for "podcast"nº72 by next week.

See you

Nelson Reis

APÓSTOLO disse...

Prezado MÁRIO:

Permita-me assinar o comentário do NELSON e aguardamos o "72".
Grato pela boa música !