Mauro Nahoum (Mau Nah), José Sá Filho (Sazz), Arlindo Coutinho (Mestre Goltinho); David Benechis (Mestre Bené-X), José Domingos Raffaelli (Mestre Raf) *in memoriam*, Marcelo Carvalho (Marcelón), Marcelo Siqueira (Marcelink), Luciana Pegorer (PegLu), Mario Vieira (Manim), Luiz Carlos Antunes (Mestre Llulla) *in memoriam*, Ivan Monteiro (Mestre I-Vans), Mario Jorge Jacques (Mestre MaJor), Gustavo Cunha (Guzz), José Flavio Garcia (JoFla), Alberto Kessel (BKessel), Gilberto Brasil (BraGil), Reinaldo Figueiredo (Raynaldo), Claudia Fialho (LaClaudia), Pedro Wahmann (PWham), Nelson Reis (Nels), Pedro Cardoso (o Apóstolo), Carlos Augusto Tibau (Tibau), Flavio Raffaelli (Flavim), Luiz Fernando Senna (Senna) *in memoriam*, Cris Senna (Cris), Jorge Noronha (JN), Sérgio Tavares de Castro (Blue Serge) e Geraldo Guimarães (Gerry).


17 julho 2006

Reproduzo aqui recente troca de emails (pelo site YouTube) entre o CJUB e Jaleel Shaw, ótimo sax alto que esteve no Brasil no ano de 2005, junto com a banda de Dave Holland. "Leel" viu o clip abaixo, onde se destaca de camisa branca, no final da apresentação de Branford Marsalis, quando este chamou ao palco diversos "metaleiros" da banda de Holland - que só se apresentariam mais tarde - e escreveu para mim. O nosso curto diálogo (até agora), está aí embaixo. O clipe vai no final, e é meio barulhento, admito. Mas estavam todos empolgadíssimos com o convite.

> jaleelshaw wrote:

> hey man, I just saw that you had the branford and friends video.. and I was wondering where you got it? I'm actually the alto player on there... - Jaleel

Nossa resposta para ele:

Nice to hear from you, Jaleel!
I was there, third row and those were magic moments, man, and I am happy I captured those minutes on my cam!
I think you also performed with Dave Holland's Big Band on the next day, I was there too, but did not tape.
I am from Rio, some friends and I have a jazz blog (in portuguese, unfortunately) and someone had another piece, with Robin Eubanks soloing (you appear quickly and I remember having mentioned that, but cannot recall the other musician's names). If you go, post a comment (in english, we all speak it) about who were the other players. We would be delighted. Follow
this link
to DH's big-band video:
Browse around, and feel at home.
An' keep swingin', my man!

Resposta de ontem do craque:

Hey man,
Thanks for the response. I was wondering where you got that video. I actually have a dvd of some of that show as well as the Dave Holland show. Is there a way I can convert that to be on this [YouTube] site?
Also, thanks for the link to the blog, I posted the names of the guys for that gig a minute a go! How is Rio!? I hope I get down there soon. I really enjoyed myself down there! - LEEL

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